Prayer of Examen


Examen is the discipline of discerning the voice of God within the data and activity of our day – the moments, feelings, thoughts, actions, interactions, etc. The daily examen was developed by St. Ignatius in the 16th century. While thrilled for the work they were doing, Ignatius became worried that the missionaries under his care weren’t discerning the movement of God in their lives. He developed the examen to help his missionaries notice God and attend to the moments they missed as they went about their daily lives and work.


Missionaries and priests spreading the Gospel probably experienced God’s grandeur and glory as life after life changed before their eyes. However, Ignatius’ examen not only reminded them that caring for their spiritual lives meant also paying attention to the ordinary moments throughout their day. If 16th century missionaries and priests had a hard time noticing the movement of God in their lives, those of us who live within the constant buzz of the 21st century don’t stand a chance without a bit of intentionality. Examen is an invitation to sit before God and offer all the moments of our day back to him so that we can see when, where, and how God was at work within us.


The daily examen is essentially an “examination” of the data – actions, interactions, thoughts, emotions – of the day or week. There are a few practical steps for entering into examen as an individual, couple, or family.

Step 1 | Presence

Enter into God’s presence praying that he would bring to mind what he wants you to notice from the day/week.

Step 2 | Notice

Select or craft 2-3 questions to help you notice the data of your day. Specifically, notice the moments of consolation (life-giving moments during which one feels close to God) and desolation (life-draining moments during which one feels distant from God). 

Here are some examples below…

  • When did I see God or experience God’s presence today?

  • When did I miss God or God’s presence today?

  • When did I feel most connected to God today/this week?

  • When did I feel least connected to God today/this week?

  • When was I loved or served well by others today/this week?

  • When did I love or serve others well today/this week?

  • When did I exhibit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, or self-control?

  • When did I miss the opportunity to exhibit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, or self-control? 

  • For what am I most grateful today? Excited? Hopeful?

  • For what am I least grateful? Frustrated? Disappointed?

Step 3 | Examen

Prayerfully consider the moments you’ve noticed. What is God saying to you from within these moments? What invitations reside within these moments? What is God inviting you to start, stop, or continue as a result of what you’ve experienced throughout the day/week?

Step 4 | Hope

Offer the previous day (or week) back to God with gratitude and look ahead to the next day (or week) with hope or expectation for the ways God will continue to guide you. 

Note: Ignatius created the examen as a daily tool, but you can do the examen weekly, monthly, or annually. Remember that the lower the frequency of practice, the higher the amount of time that should be budgeted.


Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation by Ruth Haley Barton

The Examen Rhythm: Ignatian Wisdom for Our Lives Today by Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V

Paths to Prayer: Finding Your Own Way to the Presence of God by Patricia D. Brown