Worship With Us

Gathered worship at Fellowship is a dedicated time to connect with God and one another through a variety of ways: prayer, Scripture, biblical preaching and teaching, music, laughter, art, sacrament (baptism and communion), and story. No one Sunday is identical to another because we find joy and meaning in a variety of worship expressions, fusing ancient and modern, folk and classic, time-tested and fresh. If it’s your first time joining us for worship you can expect to be warmly welcomed and invited to participate or observe in whatever way makes the most sense for you.

There isn’t a dress code at Fellowship, and so you’ll find people dressed anywhere from “formal” to “casual”, including suits, ties and dresses, shorts and tank tops (weather permitting!), business casual, jeans and sweaters. The only attire we’ve never seen in worship are bathing suits, ball gowns, and tuxedos! At Fellowship, we invite you to come as you are and join us in the beauty of taking God seriously, but not ourselves.