

At Fellowship, it is our intent and hope that all people - including all adults - will find a place to belong, grow and serve as part of the Fellowship Family.  In the era of the COVID pandemic, the particular shape of this has shifted...but the substance is the same.  


How do we “Belong” together?

By worshipping together, through fellowship experiences in person, on the phone or even digitally, in dinner groups and on Community Nights.  In all of these things we seek to share life together - hopes and fears, laughter and tears, meals and prayers, and so much more. “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people dwell together in unity!” (Ps 133:1).

How do we “Grow” together?

Fundamentally, it is God who grows us...but we seek God’s shaping work in a variety of ways: through personal devotions and in corporate worship, also in group settings like “the Apprentice of Jesus” experience or the Spiritual Fitness class or our Wednesday night “Community Conversations,” and it happens through mentoring relationships at coffee shops.  Most typically, it happens at the intersection of God’s Word, God’s people, and Godly practices…until we know the abundant life Jesus promised (John 10:10).



How do we “Serve” together? 

A foundational New Testament insight is that “we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10).  Everyone has something to contribute. We serve meals and as Kids Hope mentors, as Sunday School teachers and greeters, by swinging hammers at a Habitat House, by going on a mission trip, by serving on a leadership board, by using our gifts to built up the Holland community, or by coming alongside our children or youth.  There are as many ways to serve as there are people to do it...and we belong and grow as we serve!